Friday, May 4, 2012

Social Skills and Storytelling Apps

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SensiGirl needs help with her story telling and cognition at school. I was reading Thinking In Pictures and came across a passage I thought was telling. " In a study at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where parents (of autistic children) were asked to make up a story, 34 % made up a rambling, plotless story without a clear beginning, middle and end. This is the nature of associational visual thinking.  It is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. It is not done in any particular order." This is just studying the parents;  imagine if we were able to find a way to get a story out of some of our kids. Would they be rambling and plotless? Teaching how to tell a story is important in our society, whether it is relating what happened at school or explaining a chemical reaction in a scientific paper.
Cognition testing at school, social interactions, learning new skills they all relate to ordered storytelling. So I have enlisted SensiGirl's speech therapist and her teacher at school to help her with her storytelling.  Her are some apps that we are trying to help with her story telling skills.
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i Create Social Skills Stories

Comic Strip CS, for social stories

SpeakApp 1,2,3

Cognition for iPad;  requires  iOS 4.3

iModeling - for video modeling of social and other skills

Tell a Story: Consequences

Leo's Mayan Quest - interactive storytelling

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Solodialogue: for Leo's Mayan Quest tweet
Thinking in Pictures, My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin
Gary James apps for Children with Special Needs, 32 boards of apps for our kids


  1. Hi Lori,

    We have a lot of trouble with my oldest and story-telling. He doesn't have any trouble with science reports though, he seems able to write those in a sequential fashion. But any narrative is almost impossible for him - I used to think it was just that he couldn't come up with an idea, but even if we give him the idea he still can't write the story. I say "almost" because there have been occasions where he has written stories, and they've been brilliant (and sequential). So I really haven't figured out what's going on! It's one of his behaviours that really remains a mystery for me. I hope you have some success with the apps!

  2. Glad to hear that the storytelling glitch isn't an overall thing, that it may be subject specific. Some of the apps are helping, some of it is just putting in the hard work to teach her. Thanks for the comment!

  3. It'd be interesting to hear how it works for you. If you come across any good apps that would suit an early teen, let me know! Always looking for something that might help.

  4. I think the comic book one would be good for a teen. Especially if they like graphic novels, superheros, manga, that kind of thing. You can load your own images. I will keep your request in mind as I check the net for what's out there.
