Monday, November 19, 2012

Special Needs Parenting While Depressed

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It is that time of year for me when the wind goes out of my sails. It feels like I have a wet blanket draped over me and everything takes extra effort to get it done. I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and have chronic depression. I have been afflicted with depression since I was a teenager and have had enough episodes that I am on antidepressants pretty much permanently. My last major episode was 9 years ago.
I have to manage my depression so I can take care of my kids. It is a awful struggle sometimes.
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 Of course I always head into winter with plans of how to handle things. It seems as if life always has a way of thwarting those plans. I am overwhelmed by just basic stuff and I have now some extra concerns that have me to the point of just wanting to give up. 


That's the rub, when you have special needs kids you can't give up. You may want to, but really you can't. There is always some battle to fight and you have to muster up the resources to meet the challenge. Because if you don't some of the progress you may have gained with your child may be lost. 

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Add to that the every day bumps and you get some pretty grim realities. I am writing now because I am avoiding cleaning up the basement after the sewer backed up on us this weekend. I also have the back yard to rake, the grocery shopping to do before the stores go haywire before Thanksgiving and just maintaining the house. Add to that the news that they plan on disbanding Sensi's school to farm out the teachers to the separate busing zones and you have me on the verge. 
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I can take a little time to freak out, but then I have to get back on course to find out how to get Sensi and Random the things they need to be successful. The problem is it falls to me, if I don't do it, (write the letter, ask the hard questions, do the research, make the appointment,) it won't get done and my kids lose out. 

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So here I am stuck in low gear. I have a calendar to keep track of must do appointments, a Daily List of 3 to get done house-wise and a weekly list of how ever many to take care of school issues. I have my weekly counseling sessions, walking club once or twice a week and have yoga once a week, so I am doing my best to keep my "me" appointments. The Daily List of 3 consists of things like doing laundry, vacuuming and taking out the garbage. That is where I am at, I have to make a list to ensure I keep our house livable, my kids have clean clothes, and the house stocked with food.  So for the next few months I am going to do my best to keep blogging, but it is not at the top of the list, even though it is a "me" activity. 
So even though I have antidepressants, exercise, a SAD light and my friends for support, the wet blanket is still here. Managing my depression is the best I can do until it lifts.



  1. Sorry to hear that things are tough Lori, I've been wondering how you were. It's great that you're able to recognize when you need to scale things back, managing the depression is really important. I hope the blanket lifts soon. Sending you hugs.

  2. Thanks for the hugs and kind words. I am getting better at scaling things back when this happens.

  3. Hi Lori,

    ^Bec^ pointed me in your direction. Funny thing...I've been having that wet blanket feeling lately too. Hope you start feeling better soon too!

    BTW...great info on your blog. Hope you don't mind if I share it. :)


  4. Thanks,please share all you want. I started this blog with the idea of sharing what we know. The "me" appointments, and the SAD light help. Hope your wet blanket lifts soon.

  5. Oh Lori! I had the SAD too until I moved to California many moons ago. Even here, I used to combat the depression with trips to the tanning booth but alas, my skin will not hold out a youthful glow forever. I guess the light is some help? Maybe next season you could work in a trip somewhere warm and tropical? I hope so. You are doing everything you can so I have nothing else to offer. I send you tons of hugs (especiall about the school (!)) and hope you are feeling out of the funk quickly. xoxo

  6. Thanks for the support. It's good to know I am not the only one who has this trouble. Somewhere warm and tropical with shade would be wonderful.
