Friday, February 17, 2012

Latest from the Bedside Book Stack

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Here are the latest from my book stack. My top recommendation of autism in fiction is With the Light. It is a Manga/Graphic novel type of  book and it takes a little bit to get used to reading a book from the back cover forward, but once you get hooked into the story you don't even notice. It does a good job of portraying the frustrations, fears and hopes in discovering your child is different. You may need to keep some tissues handy, not only because it is sad at times, but because it is hopeful too.

With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child (With the Light, #1)
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Another favorite is The Einstein Syndrome.

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This one is good if you have a kid who has language delays, and atypical development with splinter skills. The author is a little hard on some speech therapists, but a good speech  language pathologist (SLP) will tell you that some of what he says is true. It is important to get one who has a good reputation, (not just experience,) for working with kids with ASD or whatever deficit your child has specifically.

The Autism Mom's Survival Guide (for Dads, Too!)  leaves you feeling pretty good. The author encourages you to take care of the rest of your life: your marriage, your time for yourself, and your other kids. 

The Autism Mom's Survival Guide (for Dads, too!): Creating a Balanced and Happy Life while Raising a Child with Autism
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The geek scientist in me made me pick up this book:
 The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science and Fear.  It investigates the fear our culture has acquired towards vaccines. The author interviews the players in this drama, and investigates the mystery of how we came to question vaccines and their safety.  Who decides what is true? Is it science, the media, celebrities, or popular opinion?

Fire Drill
Fire Drill was a lifesaver for us. It is a basic social story in book form. I know SensiGirl has trouble with fire drills. During the first one at preschool, SensiGirl was so overwhelmed they had to put her in the wagon and roll her out.  I knew transitioning to Kindergarten was going to be tough and that a fire drill would be one more thing to put her off of school.  We read this book every night for three weeks before school started. She still had trouble, but she  walked out on her own rather than having to be carried or rolled out. Progress is progress, even if it isn't always pretty.

I like to garden, but SensiGirl still puts inedible things in her mouth. This is called pica. Last summer I discovered this gem: Wicked Plants. An interesting read from a gardening and historical point of view, and good stuff to know when you have kids that still don't know the poisonous plants from the good ones.

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I am always looking for good books to read, so if you have recommendations please share and we can get the word out to others about informative and helpful books.

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