Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sensory Saturdays:Cinema and Theater

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Sensory friendly films at AMC!  SensiGirl saw her first movie there. It was a bit difficult for her, but once we got past the wait in the atrium and got her headphones on she was engrossed with the film! We haven't gone back since the summer. But there haven't been any titles that are up her alley lately. If you want to share the fun of the movies with your kids, (and not be stuck at home with DVDs or Netflix,) and be a part of the social experience of going to see a show together, these shows are the way to start. We showed SensiGirl a social story about going to the movies before we went:

 At a sensory friendly film it is lighter and quieter than how they regularly play the movies. The audience is all families who have experience with sensory issues, so they are as understanding of your child as you are of theirs. Know the audience will not be quiet. See if an upcoming movie is in your future.

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Here are some sensory tips we found helpful: bring ear protection, make sure you have told/shown a social story to your child a few days or weeks ahead of time. Bring extra adults if you can and if you are going as a family, take separate cars, so your other children won't miss out on the fun if your sensitive child can't handle it the first time. Go try it out, the thing about having a child with challenges is you have to push a bit all the time. Sometimes the push and the carrot are one in the same.

photo by: Dan Norman

Children's theaters around the country are also good for this kind of experience. We haven't gone with SensiGirl yet, but Random Guy has been with school for a field trip.  This article from the Seattle Repertory Theater about a child at the Children's Theater performance of Harold and the Purple Crayon made me so happy. I posted the note below but it may be easier to read if you follow the link.

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So try something new, if you take little steps, your child can experience some of the wonder of the theater and cinema. You just might have a good time too!

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